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Dienstag, 16. Januar 2007, 15:23

Scania R420 Highline Henry de Haan

This is the project where I am at present busy.

The complete construction report finds you here:

Daniël :wink:


Mittwoch, 17. Januar 2007, 07:53

Hi Daniel,

very beautiful Scania. How would it be, if you would document the building report here in the forum with pictures?



Mittwoch, 17. Januar 2007, 13:47

This way the chassis stand now.

I have rubbed off the painting of the hubs.

The engine which perhaps do not come once, because he goes think I place to make for the battery of the leds which comes.

Daniël :wink:

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »SCANIA-FAN« (17. Januar 2007, 13:48)


Mittwoch, 17. Januar 2007, 16:22


Original von SCANIA-FAN
The engine which perhaps do not come once, because he goes think I place to make for the battery of the leds which comes.
Daniël :wink:

If u build the trailer also u can put the Battery in the Trailer and connect the Truck with the Trailer over the original Power and Pressurecables...

If u build the Truck without a Battery but with a cable connection from outside u can build the Truck on a board and put the cables in the frame as pressure cables and then along the wheel through the board to the batterie.

Or if u dont want a permanent Connection and no Battery u can took one the boxes at side of truck or even build one of these with a hinge to open it and into the box u can fix this plugs which u can buy in H0- Train-stores.

So u can open the box and connect the plugs or u can close the box and there are no cables...

only a few ideas.
if u want to know more details just write it to me...

